Service Level Agreement

This service level agreement (SLA) applies to customers (“You”, “Your”) who hold a current account with any services of Mamazalacom (Pty) Ltd (“Mamazalacom”, “Our”) unless an alternate agreement is entered into in writing.

Technical Support

Mamazalacom will provide You with technical support for the setup of your account, access to your services, and other related issues pertaining to service access at no additional charge. Mamazalacom will not provide development related support for web applications, scripts, components or applications.

Mamazalacom endeavors to respond to customers as quickly as possible and meet target response times. Response times can vary and depend on the current support volumes, complexity of the request and the nature of the request. For this reason Mamazalacom makes no guarantees as to the actual response time of an individual issue.

Requesting Support

Customers may lodge support tickets through the helpdesk system on our website or by emailing (all emails are logged into the helpdesk system automatically). Within business hours phone support is also available. For critical issues outside of business hours please call our helpline and leave a message, a technician will review it and email you back generally within 1 hour.

Business Hours

Ticket support is available with a target response time of 1 hour. Phone support for urgent issues is available during business hours

Non-Business Hours

Ticket support is available 24 hours a day with issues responded to between the hours or 08:30am and 22:30pm CAT. Direct phone support is not available outside of business hours. However, to reach a technician for a critical issue at any time (24/7/365) call our helpline and leave a message and a technician will be immediately paged and will review your call, work to resolve any reported issues and respond via phone or email.

Service Monitoring

Our Infrastructure is provided, hosted and managed by Sizwe Africa IT Group, who provides the very best in technical infrastructure and security operations. Data Centre is located in Samrand, South Africa. Sizwe's data centre maintains the highest level of security around the clock with Security Operations Centre continuously monitors all services in and out of the Data Centre, multiple CCTV points, secure and monitored entries and exits.

Sizwe maintain an optimal operating environment of between 19 – 22°C with fire detection and suppression, multiple generators in conjunction with municipal power and solar grid supply direct to facilities in the Data Centre. Sizwe Managed Data Centre has multiple redundant connections to peering partners, ensuring multiple routes are always available, All our hardware is configured to run 24 x 7 x 365.

Mamazalacom monitors cloud infrastructure and services using our internal management and monitoring software. Any outages or abnormal threshold breaches are reported to on-call engineers 24/7/365

Customers may use built-in monitoring tools provided on our Jelastic cloud dashboard or create their own monitors, however, in these instances’ engineers are not notified and if required clients must contact support using the methods outlined above.

Our Service

Mamazalacom aims to provide 99.995% uptime for cloud services availability. We provide and manage our jelastic cloud platform. Due to the nature of jelastic cloud service (our primary service), Mamazalacom is not responsible for downtime caused by a lack of resources on your environment and containers. It is up to the customer to ensure that their environment(s) and container(s) have adequate resources for its purpose.

Customers can interact with their cloud services using Dashboard, API, SSH and CLI. This is available 24/7 to enable self-debugging of issues specific to your cloud resources and not infrastructure related problems. Mamazalacom also provides an online payment facility through PayPal so customers and add funds to their accounts at any time.


Mamazalacom will do its best to give adequate warning regarding scheduled maintenance. Where this is not possible Mamazalacom reserves the right to carry out urgent maintenance with limited notification should it be deemed necessary to protect or maintain integrity or security of our services.

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