Elastic pricing
Per Hour Per Month
1 Reserved Cloudlet - 400 MHz CPU and 128 MiB RAM R0.029 R20.88
1 Dynamic Cloudlet - 400 MHz CPU and 128 MiB RAM R0.03 R21.60
Diskspace - 1GB Enteprise SAN Storage R0.0017 R1.22
Dedicated Public IPv4 Address R0.035 R25.20
External Network Traffic - 1GB per Hour R0.056 ---
Shared SSL/Let's Encrypt SSL Free Free
Daily Backups Free Free

Scaling Efficiency vs Over-allocation

Mamazala Jelasti Cloud provides automatic vertical and horizontal scaling with payment based on the real consumption of resources and not on the server size

Mamazala Jelastic Cloud

Specify maximum Scaling Limit for a container to overcome any spike

Scale horizontally for HA but keep paying only for used resources



VM-Based Cloud Vendors

Order smaller VM for initial phase

Buy twice bigger machine when you grow or expect load spikes

Migrate your project from smaller to bigger VM with downtime consequences

Scale it horizontally for HA with all inefficiency inside

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